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2024-06-16 02:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. (同类事物的)一系列,一连串A range of things is a number of different things of the same general kind.

e.g. A wide range of colours and patterns are available...各种颜色和样式都有。e.g. The two men discussed a range of issues...那两个人讨论了一系列问题。

2. 幅度;等级;范围A range is the complete group that is included between two points on a scale of measurement or quality.

e.g. The average age range is between 35 and 55.平均年龄在35岁到55岁之间。e.g. ...properties available in the price range they are looking for.在他们寻求的价格范围内的房产

3. 最大范围;射程The range of something is the maximum area in which it can reach things or detect things.

e.g. The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards...口径为120毫米的迫击炮的射程是1.8万码。e.g. The trees on the mountains within my range of vision had all been felled...山上我视野范围内的树木都被砍倒了。

4. (在一定幅度内)变化,变动If things range between two points or range from one point to another, they vary within these points on a scale of measurement or quality.

e.g. They range in price from $3 to $15.它们的价格从3美元到15美元不等。e.g. ...offering merchandise ranging from the everyday to the esoteric.供应从日常用品到专业用具等各种商品

5. (文章或讲话)涉及,包括If a piece of writing or speech ranges over a group of topics, it includes all those topics.


e.g. The conversation ranged over the desirability of such restaurants, the shortcomings of men, and why it had only taken 15 minutes to cross a continent.谈话涉及了这类餐馆的吸引人之处、男人的弱点,还有为什么只用15分钟就跨越了一个大洲。

6. 使(人或物)排成行或列If people or things are ranged somewhere, they are arranged in a row or in lines.

e.g. Some 300 trees have been ranged along the perimeter hedge...沿着绿篱栽种着大约300棵树。e.g. More than 1,500 police and troops are ranged against them.1,500多名警察和士兵列队与他们对峙。

7. (人或动物)漫游,自由活动If animals or people range somewhere, they move around in a place without having a particular destination in mind.


e.g. Feeding is not a problem because the birds range over such a large area...这种鸟活动的范围很大,因此觅食不成问题。e.g. They range widely in search of carrion.它们在广阔的区域内搜寻腐肉。

8. 山脉A range of mountains or hills is a line of them.


e.g. ...the massive mountain ranges to the north.向北延伸的巨大山脉e.g. ...an impressive range of hills topped with trees.山顶覆盖着树木的绵绵山峦

9. (尤指美国的)牧牛场,牧区A range is a large area of open land, especially land in the United States where cattle are kept.

10. 射击场;靶场A rifle range or a shooting range is a place where people can practise shooting at targets.


e.g. It reminds me of my days on the rifle range preparing for duty in Vietnam.它使我想起了在靶场练习射击准备去越南服役的日子。e.g. ...an Army firing range.陆军射击场

11. (旧式)炊具A range or kitchen range is an old-fashioned metal cooker.

12. 炉灶A range or kitchen range is a large metal device for cooking food using gas or electricity. A range consists of a grill, an oven, and some gas or electric rings.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 cooker

13. see also: free-range

14. 在可及的范围内/在可及的范围外If something is in range or within range, it is near enough to be reached or detected. If it is out of range, it is too far away to be reached or detected.

e.g. Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range.车从脏水里驶过,溅了周围所有人一身水。e.g. ...a base within range of enemy missiles...在敌人导弹射程内的基地

15. 接近地/靠近地/以…的距离If you see or hit something at close range or from close range, you are very close to it when you see it or hit it. If you do something at a range of half a mile, for example, you are half a mile away from it when you do it.

e.g. He was shot in the head at close range...他在近距离内被人用枪击中头部。e.g. McCoist knocked the ball in from close range.麦克科伊斯特门前近距离将球攻入。




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